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Today's Pro-Life Reflection
(From Frank Pavone's Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day) 
September 19
"The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion" – Mother Teresa (Nobel Peace Prize Lecture).
Reflection: You have heard people say that being wrong on abortion outweighs being right on other issues, and that is correct. The full truth is, if you are wrong on abortion, you can't be right on other issues. To permit abortion, but then to cry out for the right to work, housing, education, health care, and peace, is to say that these other rights belong to some people but not to all.
Prayer: Lord, forgive our nation for allowing all the rights of the unborn to be taken away. Amen.

Deacons For Life
PO Box 236695
Cocoa, FL 32923
Phone: 321-500-1000

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Dear Deacons,

This brings our greetings in the Lord and our prayers for you, your family, and your ministry.

We are happy to bring you the good news that we are re-launching and building up Deacons for Life, a movement that seeks to network and encourage deacons in their ministry, in particular as it relates to the defense of human life from the ongoing tragedy of abortion, and building a Culture of Life.

Across the nation, the pro-life movement has been making tremendous progress, thanks to the involvement of both clergy and laity, and people of every profession.

We believe that deacons, so many of whom are involved in generous efforts on behalf of the unborn, are particularly well suited to strengthen the Church's ministry in this crucial area. This is true because most deacons are also fathers, and because the ministry of the deacon brings the ministry of the Word and of service into the world. It is there, in the family, in the media, in business, in politics, and in so many public arenas that the battle between the Culture of Life and the culture of death is raging. It is there that the Word of Life and the service of the least among us is most urgently needed and can be most fruitful.

We hope you enjoy our revised website. We invite you to use the sign-up form to let us know what you are currently doing in your ministry, how you are already involved in the pro-life cause, and what would be the most valuable ways that Deacons for Life can serve you.

Deacons for Life is meant to strengthen you, in union with your brother deacons nationwide, in carrying out your ministry in union with the local Church. It is not an effort to replace projects and programs already underway, but rather to strengthen them, and to also provide fresh ideas for new initiatives that can be undertaken in union with your pastors and bishops. (Click here for a fuller explanation of the mission of Deacons for Life.)

Please join us in prayer and commitment for this initiative, which is carried out as part of the family of ministries of Priests for Life, and in which we look forward to your participation!

Frank Pavone National
Director, Priests for Life

Deacon Keith Fournier
Diocese of Tyler

Deacon Dominick Pastore
Archdiocese of Detroit

Deacon Tim Kennedy
Archdiocese of Newark

Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers
Archdiocese of Portland

Fr. Frank:

I have had many opportunities to preach since my ordination to the Diaconate this past May, but until now I haven't really preached any truly difficult messages. This morning I gave my first homily about abortion. I was unsure at first about whether I should even preach on so heavy a topic. I have to thank you Father, because I found a great deal of comfort and strength in the words of your preaching resource, "Preaching on Abortion". You dispelled many of my fears and helped me to preach the message of life.

Deacon Ken