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Today's Pro-Life Reflection
(From Frank Pavone's Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day) 
February 6
"Lord, open my lips..." (Psalm 51:17)
Reflection: If you were stranded on a desert island, and had, pen, paper, and a bottle, the note you write and put in that bottle could save your life. Before sealing it and throwing it in the sea, you would make sure that you put your very best effort behind what you say. So it is with conversations you have about abortion. Some day they may save a life. Conduct them well.
Prayer: Give me confidence, O Lord, at every moment in which I will need to speak on this topic. Open my lips, that I may save lives by what I say. Amen.

Deacons For Life
PO Box 236695
Cocoa, FL 32923
Phone: 321-500-1000

About Deacons for Life

Deacons for Life seeks to

  1. unite, encourage, and provide ongoing training to deacons to be as effective as possible in ending abortion, the pre-eminent moral tragedy of our day;

  2. instill a sense of urgency in all clergy to teach, preach, and mobilize their people to help stop abortion;

  3. assist clergy and laity to work together productively to protect the unborn.

Deacons for Life will create resources specifically for deacons, and will also utilize the resources and information of prayer, preaching, and action items that are prepared by Priests for Life.

Through mailings, emails, conference calls, webinars, and events, Deacons for Life will keep its members on the cutting edge of developments in the pro-life movement and how these interrelate with pastoral ministry.
  1. We can provide consultation to deacons, their pastors and their bishops regarding suggested respect life activities. This can include organizing prayer initiatives on behalf of life, assistance in strengthening local efforts to provide alternatives to abortion, sponsoring educational seminars, and assisting the laity to take an active and responsible role in building up community respect life efforts. The existence of a "Deacons for Life" network across the nation will make it easier for deacons to communicate with each other to share ideas and encouragement specifically on this theme.